On BBC Radio this morning there was a 20 minute piece on JWs and the child abuse cover up. I am already receiving reaction to it from a number of sources.
It occurred to me - if you were giving ordinary members of the public a steer on how to deal with WT publishers what would you advise?
I would explain that the name Jehovah is only the English pronunciation of God's name. In Hebrew God's name is written as 4 letters and is known as the Tetragrammaton. Others, such as the Catholics pronounce the Tetragrammaton as Yahweh.
Jehovah is the name of God the Father, the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob. It was He who sent His Son, Jesus Christ to buy us back from sin and death.
Watchtower publisher don't serve Jesus Christ and His Father. So if you go up to them and say, "when are you going to return to Jehovah?" it might make them think because that is such a key phrase to them. On the other hand it might just annoy them. But that'd be quite funny.